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Priyanka tells she’s a terrible wife; Nick’s reply wins heart!

Despite being a big supporter of feminism, Priyanka Chopra slipped a comment stating that she doesn’t consider herself as a good wife as she doesn’t know to cook. Adding more, Priyanka said, “Nick is from a good Southern home where his mother made food, and I am not like that. I am a terrible wife in that sense.”

This statement has created a buzz in Social Media considering that it is coming from Priyanka.

Though she made a bad comment, her husband Nick Jonas commented that ‘It’s okay, babe, Neither do I’. This comment has won the hearts of many.

On the work front, Nick Jonas had a release recently along with his brothers. The song, ‘Sucker’ is currently topping the list. Priyanka, on the other hand, has recently wrapped her Bollywood film, The Sky is Pink which stars Zaira Wasim and Farhan Akhtar. The film which is directed by Shonali Bose is based on motivational speaker Aisha Chaudhary who was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis.