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Tried the new viral #MicroWaveChallenge?

Hey, have you tried the new Microwave Challenge? yes, you read that right. We live in a world where a new challenge (most of them are stupid) is born every single day. There was a black and white challenge, selfie challenge, Ice bucket challenge and now there is Microwave challenge.

What’s that?

This bizarre challenge requires people to sit on the floor and spin, imitating the motion of food when placed in a microwave. Here is an example.

Twitter is flooded with people posting videos of themselves sitting on the floor and rotating in slow motion without using their hands and with stretched legs.

This challenge has also made the song, Sow Dancing in the Dark by Joji famous. This song is being used in all the challenge videos. The reason behind this is that the song makes the exact ding sound, microwaves are famous for.

Crazy, Right?

Here are a few videos to make your day!